Hello you
Oh, I'm writing my bio
A get to know me
A paragraph of selling myself to the highest bidder
I create, the end!
Though, that wouldn't be good enough
Here I am in front of the camera
My soul speaks
I dislike selfies
The thought makes me gag
When it first came out
I was on the wagon of this could be...something
Sounds like fun
Now, I can't stomach the thought of what they've become
Hard to say if it was the over abundance
We need more fish lips
Perhaps selfies on the shitter did me in
Oh, good to see you wiped!
Now, I can't stomach them
Yet, here I am, looking down the lenses barrel
How cute, I'm digitally recorded
This could be...something!
If some enjoy selfies
I'm happy for them and think they should continue
Dare I, not even think I can dictate what is best for another
For I am but a shadow amongst billions
Billions of humans
Busily moving around the globe
I contemplate what a creator must see
Look at the vastness of humanities reach
Color means nothing for we are all human beings
Unless you think skin tones makes one a subspecies
Only a fool thinks such things!
It would be a sight like no other
It must be the most beautiful thing to view
And yet in beauty is also a horror
People dying from hunger
People murdering one another
Humans destroying each other for the love of ignorance
This place has enough for everyone
Issue is, we don't share
The love of most has grown cold
The thought of love
As far a thought as dead bones contemplate reliving
Contemplating this bio I should be writing
I'm on social media
This too I cannot stand
I dread my participation and yet, here I am!
Partaking in the worlds last supper
Another great tool to unite us
Yet again, it is used to tear others down
Others, the person on the other end
Person who breathes, thinks, feels, desires, hopes, dreams
Who loves, has empathy for the one on the corner
Frozen during the harsh winter
Yet there is that person the world has forgotten
Have we forgotten?
The mother, who bore the child into the world
Having nothing but beautiful desires
Father, that wants his daughter respected
His son to be accomplished
Others, those who carry the worlds greatest pain
Those who've been put down so long
Calling names is just an everyday thing
Those who need a pick me up and or a cup of inspiration
Because every day is a battle against going to the grave
Billions of voices
Just seeking a chance to be acknowledged and heard
I contemplate a creator who must view all these things
The restraint to not intervene
To do nothing, because the created species
Already has everything it needs
To say if it's cruel or not is not my place
Creating stories, is it not the same thing?
Perhaps the characters also think such things
Perhaps we're all just characters in a story
In reality, I contemplate what I read
Contemplate what I am
A writer, a poet, a creator, an artist, a this, a that
A who fucking gives a damn
A non-game player
I care not to care
A bio
That Goni Schindler
He writes because it's what he loves
He doesn't write for anyone
He will not give you what you want
Giving paper what is in his heart
Titles to him mean nothing
Awards and accolades
He views as a childish adventure
Rewards he gives to himself
Blowing a trumpet for him does not help anyone
His view
Every human created has a gift to use
Not one is neglected on this
Each gift is to benefit us all
Just as long as no one shouts
Kill them all
I create, the end
Gocni Schindler
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